Saturday, 16 February 2019

The MAGICAL powers of Oxygen Therapy!

 Doctors Are Calling It

“the best kept medical secret in our country.”

NFL Legend Joe Namath is 75 And Thinking Clearer Than Ever Before. 
Discover How He Overcame Decades of Traumatic Injuries to Once Again Be in the Peak of Health… 
Using a No-Drug, Non-Surgical, Side-Effect Free “1-Hour Technology” That… 
+Brings “dead neurons” backs to life – giving you a “like new, young again” brain +Boosts your neural stem cells by a stunning 800% +Reverses the #1 secret CAUSE behind the Alzheimer’s epidemic 
Today, Joe thinks more clearly, sharper, and feels healthier than ever! And for the first time ever, he’ll share his story at a LIVE event taking place at my clinic in Royal Palm Beach, Florida… the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine.Tickets to this exclusive event are sold out. But after receiving a flood of requests from patients clamoring to know more about the mysterious, brain-restoring technology Joe used… I’ve arranged for his presentation to be broadcast around the world LIVE. And you can access it absolutely FREE… from the comfort of your own home: 

This presentation is not to be missed. 
And, please spread the word because this incredible therapy is literally a MIRACLE!  
Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being 
Damon 😁  
Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy
Waiheke Island, Auckland, NZ
Skype: firstinhealth

Friday, 1 February 2019

Exposure to blue light at night turns off your body's production of melatonin and this reduces the quality of sleep. And melatonin does more than help you sleep. It's also an antioxidant that protects your brain and increases mitochondrial function.

 Disruption to Our Natural Rhythm


Before the invention of the light bulb, our circadian rhythms were well in sync with the sun, because night-time light disruption was minimal.

Today, artificial lighting is abundant in many parts of the world. For example, street lights help us see and increase security, and overhead lights help hospitals function around the clock. We also have TVs, laptops, and cell phones; and many of use them simultaneously.

Lighting intensity is measured in lux units (lx). A look into the level of lux emitted from different light sources, reveals that digital screens have caused an exponential increase in night-time light intensity. In fact, a laptop alone (not used alongside a TV, cell phone, etc.) emits over 33,000% more lux than a full moon.

It is this (suspected) correlation between the increase in night-time lighting and the increase in mood disorders that we are only now beginning to understand.

Now, thanks to Daniel Georgiev CEO and Founder at Iris ( there is a SAFE and healthy alternative to using BLUE light at night!

Excess blue light from your computer monitor can be a serious threat to your biological health. Fortunately, Iris software can eliminate virtually all of the risk through its innovative approach. I use it on all my computers and encourage you to do the same. It is clearly the best software on the market to control your blue light exposure.
Dr. Mercola
Founder Mercola.Com, World most visited natural health site
Yours in health 
Damon 😀 
Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy
P: +64-220-611-438 
Skype: firstinhealth