Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Physical Activity - Harvard Health - Dance Your Way To Better Health!

Many of us struggle with the idea of physical exercise such as going for a run, playing a sport or going to the gym. If you are one of those people do not fear because you can still benefit from exercise in other ways. For example walking/hiking, doing household chores, working in the garden or dancing. However, it is important to be aware that sedate physical activity such as walking {unless you're walking very briskly or up a decent incline/hill}will not be sufficient to elevate your heart and provide you with a good cardiovascular workout. A rough "rule of thumb" is to gauge your "perceived exertion" on a scale of 1-10. 1 represents complete inactivity e.g. lying down and 10 represents "all out" physical activity at 100% intensity. Thus if you're new to physical activity, recovering from illness or a heart condition then I would recommend setting a target of approx 5 {which is a moderate intensity}. On the other hand, if you're health is reasonable to good then I'd recommend working at a higher level of exertion such as between 7 and 9 out of 10. At this intensity, your breathing will be labored. And short bouts at this type of intensity interspersed with lighter bouts of intensity {known as interval training} will condition your heart and cardiovascular system to a much higher and healthier level. I would only recommend trying level 10 at 100% if you're already very well conditioned. Thank you and all the best for a healthy, happy and prosperous life!

Damon of 1stinhealth  

Physical Activity - Harvard Health

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