Wednesday, 15 February 2017

What to look for in a Water Filter and why do I recommend that everyone invests in a quality Filter!

Water Filters, There Are A Plethora Of Systems In The Market Place, So, How Do You Choose The Right One?

I work as a Personal Trainer and Integrative Health Consultant. And it's now been over 20-years since I first began coaching and training in Health and Exercise. Since completing my studies at Otago University I've continued my quest for answers to optimal health and well-being.

Much of my work is now carried out online which allows me to reach out to more people across the globe, via Health Summits, Seminars, Blogs, Social Media, and Online Personal Training. Where I use PT Distinctions incredible training software, which I think is the best available. And with this program everything is taken care of, including; Diet and Nutrition, Training Programs, Community Support and an easy to follow guide.

However, this post is for those of you who are interested in taking control of your health and perhaps your families health too. And addressing what is essentially the "cornerstone" of our health - Hydration. Did you realize that as little babies when we're being well breastfed, our hydration levels are around 85%, but by the time we are 6-years-old, it has diminished to around 65%. To further highlight this issue, did you know that the primary reason the elderly shrink in size is due to chronic dehydration. Dementia, forgetfulness, insomnia, dry and wrinkly skin, constipation, high blood pressure, strokes and bladder infections are all caused through inadequate hydration, diet and lifestyle.

Now, I'm not going to run through all the water filter systems on the market. As there are simply too many. Instead, I'm going to "cut to the chase" and recommend what is I believe, the #1 Water Filter in the world. And it's name is Berkey

And I discovered it after doing some research on water filters.In fact it was through a recommendation of a leading environmental scientist named, Mike Adams aka The Health Ranger of Natural News, whom I've been following for some time. Where he reviewed 12 popular water filters for removal of heavy metals, arsenic, uranium and cesium. 

Thank you for your time and I hope that this post has been of benefit to you

Wishing you abundant great health, wealth, peace, love and happiness

My warmest wishes


firstinhealth personal training & integrative health consultancy

P: +64-220-611-438

Skype: firstinhealth




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