I was Personal Training my 75-year-old client the other day, I've been training him for about 7-years now. He is a retired sheep and cattle farmer and not without his health issues. However, he has made significant in-roads towards improving his general health. He's lost weight, increased muscle mass, improved his balance, flexibility, strength and cardiovascular fitness. We've even managed to eliminate his medications, adjust his diet a little and improve hydration. BUT, he still experiences periodic episodes of Acid Reflux. As was the case last week, which prompted me into creating this blog. As I realize that many people suffer from this issue and worse still, many if not most rely on medications which only serve to mask the symptoms. Thus more often than not creating a "crutch" that is relied upon rather than addressing the underlying cause. Which is an over acidic chemistry, usually as a result of dehydration and the consumption of overly acidic foods from the Deadly Nightshade Family {i.e. Tomatoes, Eggplant, Tamarind} or Dark Chocolate, Coffee and an over- consumption of Sugar, deep fried Fast Food {cooked in Canola Oil}and Carbonated and Soda water beverages which are acidic.
How do you prevent Acid Reflux from occurring and mitigate the need for prescription drugs? Harvard Health has a good article on this very subject and I recommend that you read it. However, in addition, I would like to add some tips that I hope you find beneficial. These tips, I learned from years in competing as a sportsman, but also from my study and in particular, it was through my study of Ayurveda that I gained the most benefit. Such as;
- How to understand your Dosha and what foods to include in your diet and/or avoid
- How to combine foods such as Coriander and Coconut Cream with spicy meals such as curries and chilies and thus mitigate the acidity. For example coconut fat with coffee also helps to reduce the acidity, increase the nutrient level, improve your immunity, and even enhance the flavor. Also, the spice Turmeric has many anti-inflammatory properties and is also very medicinal. In addition, fermented foods such as Miso and Yoghurt create heat. Yes, even though they may be organic and healthy, the byproduct of fermentation is heat. This can be mitigated though by moderating how much you consume and being aware of seasonal variances. For example, I'm a Pitta Dosha {which means I'm a little like the sun...hot and fiery, and have a robust digestion but am also prone to inflammatory diseases caused by heat
- Ensure that you are hydrated because no matter what you do to improve your diet and lifestyle if you're not hydrated nothing will work. Because water/H2o is the very cornerstone of your health and well-being. So much so that every single chemical action and reaction such as Respiration and Perspiration are heavily reliant on water. As is your blood viscosity which gets thicker and more viscose with increasing dehydration. Not surprisingly, this viscose {thickend} blood puts a strain on your blood vessels and heart, resulting in elevated Blood Pressure and an increased chance of heart attack or stroke. All of which are completely preventable.
- Some of you may tell me, but, if I drink water on its own I get reflux! Don't worry, my dear PT client has also told me this and it's very common. The trick is to make sure that the water you drink is not acidic or carbonated and also to ensure that the temperature is "luke-warm" or warm as opposed to chilled {most drinks from the fridge or a chiller .are kept at only around 5 degrees Celsius. Now, compare this with your body temperature of approx 37.5 degrees Celsius. That's a whopping 32.5 degrees Celsius differential. Is it any wonder your body rebels a little. And besides, if you've been depriving your body of water it's going to take a little time for it to rebalance, recalibrate and regain its equilibrium {Homeostasis}.
- All Pharmalogical Medications create heat. I'll repeat myself. ALL Pharmalogical Medications including Immunizations create heat. And heat creates inflammation, irritability, and damage to all tissues and cells this includes your organs. And can result in bleeding, ulcers and a chain reaction of disastrous complications. Which left unchecked may require medical intervention.
- Alcohol consumption can also contribute to Acid Reflux. Some alcohol is carbonated and this in itself will increase acidification. And that which isn't carbonated is still alcohol and alcohol is fermented and so creates heat. Thus, an overconsumption of alcohol not surprisingly creates heat. Which can be clearly seen in those who over-imbibe and become intoxicated, think of it as "rocket fuel" and this is why people often become angry.
- Lastly, being in a state of anger and animosity is also very destructive for the individual concerned but also the recipient. And no positive outcome can ever be reached if engaging in war. Both figuratively and literally {for how many eons now has man been engaged in war, and has it ever solved any issues? No, it has created more problems, death, destruction, loss of life and heartache}.
My warmest wishes & love
Skype: firstinhealth
Phone: +64-220-611-438
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