Friday, 14 October 2016

Don't Miss Our Upcoming Thyroid Secret Documentary Series - FREE and Onliine - March 1st - March 9th 2017

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that is situated in the neck under the, Adam's apple. It regulates the body's metabolism by sending thyroid hormone to the organs through the blood. Two conditions, an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) and an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) can result when the thyroid isn't working right.


An overactive thyroid gland generates too much thyroid hormone, which speeds up metabolism. Common symptoms of hyperthyroidism include:
·       rapid heart rate
·       frequent bowel movements, even diarrhea
·       excessive perspiration
·       weakness
·       insomnia
·       irritability and anxiety
·       increased appetite
                   weight loss


An underactive thyroid gland doesn't generate enough thyroid hormone. This condition, which slows metabolism, is increasingly common with age. It can also be caused by Hashimoto's disease, a condition in which the body's immune system attacks the thyroid gland, or by thyroiditis, an inflammation of the gland.
Symptoms of hypothyroidism include:
·       fatigue
·       constipation
·       dry skin
·       muscle pain
·       hair loss
·       weight gain

Hypothyroidism is usually treated by taking thyroid hormone.

The treatments offered by conventional medicine to thyroid patients (i.e. synthetic thyroid hormones, radioactive iodine, thyroid gland removal, etc.) often leave people with recurring symptoms and result in a progressive condition that continues to dominate their lives and leaves them sick, exhausted, depressed and struggling with their weight.

The Thyroid Secret will help to raise awareness about thyroid conditions (such as hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's, Graves disease, nodules, thyroid cancer, hyperthyroidism and postpartum thyroiditis) as well as the interventions that get to the root cause of their conditions and can help a person recover their health.

We feature a lineup of top thyroid and health experts, including Dr. Izabella Wentz, Dr. Alan Christianson, Dr. Tom O'Bryan, Dr. Datis Kharrazian, Andrea Nakayama, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Kelly Brogan, Sayer Ji, Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, Dave Asprey + Hashimoto's Awareness and Thyroid Change charities. Plus numerous patient stories depicting their painful experiences as well as the healing that is possible.

This documentary has innovative, actionable, effective and easy to understand solutions coupled with patient empowerment.

The Thyroid Secret will connect with viewers on a personal, emotional, intellectual and whole person level to show them that recovering their health is within reach if they take action!

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