Sunday, 30 December 2018

Cancer Treatments - Did You Know Chemotherapy is Mustard Gas?

Why is Chemotherapy so popular as a treatment for CANCER? Given it's real name is Mustard Gas and used in Chemical Warfare. YES, it's the very same chemical compound.... 

On the other hand, Periwinkle {a natural Botanical plant} often used in conjunction with Chemotherapy is very beneficial. 

I recommend that you read my friend Dr. Mercola's article on this topic. He's one of the few health professionals I value and indeed trust implicitly.

Wishing you and your family abundant optimal health & well-being 
My warmest wishes 
Damon baragwanath 😊  
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy 
Skype: firstinhealth

Saturday, 29 December 2018

What If You Could Enhance Your Physical and Mental Performance between 300 and 500%? Find out Here!

Bukeyo Breathing - An Ancient Breathing Technique Used by Yogis & Martial Artists For Thousands of Years

Get a 300% - 500% Improvement in your performance While increasing longevity in your skill, sport or profession. 

Learn to hack the flow state and enter the zone with these specifically designed meditations. 

YES, These a BIG and BOLD claims to make but when you have anecdotal combined with scientific evidence, then you know you've got something incredibly powerful and able to TRANSFORM peoples lives. 

I invite you to click on the link and discover for yourself just how amazing this opportunity really is! 

Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being 

Damon Baragwanath😁 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy 
Waiheke Island 
New Zealand

Imagine Being Able To Increase Your Performance, Health & Well-Being By 300 - 500%....



How to enter the Flow State & Get a 300% - 500% Improvement in your performance.....

While increasing longevity in your skill, sport or profession. 
OXYGEN & WATER are the "life-blood" of our existence & neither works without the other. The breathing technique you're about to see has been practiced by Martial Artists and Yogis for 1000's of years. Furthermore, it's been scientifically proven to work. So, take a look and discover for yourself how "life-changing" this practice can be even with only 5minutes per day!  

Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being

Damon Baragwanath😁  
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy
Waiheke Island
New Zealand
Skype: firstinhealth

Friday, 28 December 2018

Miracle Natural Weight Loss Formula - Imagine If You Could Lose Weight By Drinking A Delicious Hot Beverage!

Weight Loss Made Easy! 


1 Cup tomorrow morning, burns 3 lbs of belly fat. 

Imagine if you could lose weight by drinking 1 cup of a delicious hot beverage? 
You're kidding me? 
No, I don't joke when it comes to peoples health & well-being! 
Check it out here for yourself 
If you haven’t tried this yet, you’re going to want to add this to your morning routine Drinking 1 cup of this delicious hot beverage in the morning sets you up to burn more fat than 45 exhausting minutes on the treadmill 
In fact, some folks are losing up to 23lbs of fat in just 21 days by drinking it every morning! 
Plus it's super easy to make in your own kitchen.
Yours in health 
Damon Baragwanath  
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy
Waiheke Island
New Zealand
Skype: firstinhealth

Wednesday, 26 December 2018

HACK The Flow State - Based On An Ancient Breathing Technique Called Bukeyo - ENHANCE Your Performnce, Health And Potential Now!

Hack The Flow State! 


Get a 300% - 500% Improvement in your performance While increasing longevity in your skill, sport or profession. 

Learn to hack the flow state and enter the zone with these specifically designed meditations! 

Based on the ancient breathing technique called Bukeyo and scientifically proven to TRANSFORM your Physical, Mental and Emotional potential at a Quantum level. 

Personally I practice this technique and have experienced monumental improvements in my performance. 

Yours in optimal health and well-being 

Damon Baragwanath😀  

Click the link below!

Saturday, 15 December 2018

Fasting is the most ancient, inexpensive and powerful healing strategy known to mankind -- join Dr. David Jockers to learn everything you need to know about this transformational health tactic! Don\'t miss The Fasting Transformation Summit from January 14-20, 2018, free and online!

Health Talks Online Introduces The Fasting Transformation Summit!

Dr. David Jockers has interviewed experts from around the world who specialize in the research and application of the fasting lifestyle. In fact, Dr. Jockers himself used fasting to help overcome IBS and skin cancer. Over the last 10 years, he and other clinicians have seen thousands of chronic health cases get better with the use of intermittent and therapeutic fasting regimens. He'll share that wisdom with you during The Fasting Transformation Summit, January 14-20, 2018! 

This is a FREE Global even with the worlds top health professionals sharing their knowledge and experience with you. 

Yours in health 
Damon Baragwanath 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy 
Waiheke Island 

Come join us at Health Talks Online with Dr. David Jockers as he explains how beneficial FASTING can be for your HEALTH!

Fasting is an ancient healing practice that dates back to the beginning of mankind, when our bodies were forced to adapt to times of famine and food scarcity on a regular basis!

It STILL costs nothing to practice and could transform the health of every cell in your body! 
Don't miss The Fasting Transformation Summit from January 14-20, 2018, free and online! 
Come join us and listen to Dr. David Jockers explain not only, how beneficial fasting can be, but also how he transformed his health. 
Yours in health Damon Baragwanath😀 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Optimal Health Consultancy 
Waiheke Island NZ

FASTING is an ancient dietary protocol which forced our bodies to adapt. Join Dr. David Jockers to learn how this can benefit you.

Fasting is the most ancient, inexpensive and powerful healing strategy known to mankind -- join Dr. David Jockers to learn everything you need to know about this transformational health tactic!
Don't miss The Fasting Transformation Summit from January 14-20, 2018, free and online! 
Take the "guess work" out of your diet and health and learn how to work with your body. 
Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being 
Yours in health 
Damon Baragwanath😀 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

There’s an invisible, odorless threat that surrounds you right now. Digital toxicity. It’s a product of our modern world and it is worse than you think. Join us for the Global EMF Health Summit on Now!

It’s almost impossible to avoid electromagnetic fields (EMFs) entirely…but there are things you can do to minimize your exposure, lower the impact, and detoxify your body.
Click to sign up and watch the FREE EMF Summit where more than 30 of the world’s TOP EXPERTS weigh in on this modern-day plague. []
I look forward to seeing you there! 
Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being 
Yours in health Damon Baragwanath😀 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy

Have you heard of EMF's {Electro Magnetic Fields}? Scientific proof now demonstrates that this is a form of RADAITION & CARCINOGEN - Find out how to protect yourself!

Have you heard of EMF's {Electro Magnetic Fields}? It's a form of RADIATION emitted by electrical devices such as Cell Phones, Computers, Smart Meters and Microwave Ovens. This radiation is creating a devastating health crisis the world has never seen before. 

There’s an invisible, odorless threat that surrounds you right now. Digital toxicity. It’s a product of our modern world and it is worse than you think. 

Click to sign up and watch the FREE EMF Summit where more than 30 of the world’s TOP EXPERTS weigh in on this modern-day plague. [

Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being 
My warmest wishes Damon Baragwanath😀 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy

Monday, 10 December 2018

EMF's {Electromagnetic Feilds of RADIATION}. Cell Phones, Wifi, Microwaves & many more...Come join us and discover how to protect yourself!

Dear friend, 
It’s finally here. Day 2 of the summit my friend Lloyd Burrell is holding with 34 other experts in the alternative health field. They’re all working together to bring you the inside scoop on the most under-reported toxin of our time. 

(Click here to find out which one. I predict not 1 in 1,000 people are protecting themselves from this.) 

A “digital toxin” that can cause… Fatigue Sleep problems Migraines Back pain Depression Memory loss Heart problems Asthma Chronic inflammation Brain tumors And yes, even cancer. The worst thing is that you and I are constantly exposed to it. 

Act NOW! 

Yours in optimal abundant health & well-being 
Damon Bragwanath 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy

Friday, 16 November 2018

Medical Cannabis Superior To Opioids for Chronic Pain, Study Finds!

Medical Cannabis Superior To Opioids for Chronic Pain, Study Finds! 

If you're suffering from chronic pain & playing roulette with highly addictive Opioids you needn't be. As this new clinical study proves... 

A new study published in the European Journal of Internal Medicine represents hope for millions of sufferers of chronic pain. Researchers at the Cannabis Clinical Research Institute at Soroka University Medical Center, and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU), found that medical cannabis can significantly reduce chronic pain without adverse effects, particularly among adults aged 65 and older. Use of cannabis, aka medical marijuana, was found to be both safe and effective for elderly patients experiencing pain because of another medical condition, such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

One of the head researchers in this study, Prof. Victor Novack, M.D., is a professor of medicine in the BGU Faculty of Health Sciences (FOHS), as well as BGU’s Chair in Internal Medicine. He also heads the Soroka Cannabis Clinical Research Institute. According to Prof. Novack, M.D.:
"Older patients represent a large and growing population of medical cannabis users, [yet] few studies have addressed how it affects this particular group, which also suffers from dementia, frequent falls, mobility problems, and hearing and visual impairments."[1]

Yours in health 
Damon Baragwanath 😀 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy

Monday, 5 November 2018

The Autoimmune Revolution 2018 started today - FREE and ONLINE - Powerful Education from Leading Health Professionals who care about YOU!

The Autoimmune Revolution 2018 started today! 

Don't miss 30+ amazing experts teaching you how to identify and overcome autoimmunity! 

Learn with me today online for free! 

There are a rapidly growing number of children, woman and men being afflicted by Autoimmune Diseases. The good news is, it doesn't have to be this way.

Come join us and discover WHY Autoimmune Disease is caused, HOW to treat, RECOVER from, & PREVENT it from happening. 

Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being 

Yours in health 
Damon Baragwanath😀 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy

FINAL Day of A FREE Online Global Summit with Dr.Sue Morter - Discover The Next Level of Energy Medicine

Discover The Next Level of Energy Medicine With Dr. Sue Morter! 

Dear friend, You’ve likely already worked on clearing blocks, improving your flow, and grounding in your energy body to promote healing. But have you discovered how to activate high-frequency energy streams that are so powerful they exist beyond your physical body? 
Master of Bio-Energetic Medicine and Quantum Field visionary Dr. Sue Morter will teach you how to work with these unique energies — specifically chakras 8-12 (yes you have more than 7!) — to powerfully manifest in alignment with your soul’s divine mission and your life purpose. 
You can register for Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine: 
Advanced Teachings to Deepen Your Healing & Intuitive Mastery and Activate Higher Frequencies of Consciousness right here: 
During this FREE live video event, you’ll: 
Discover you can become a “steward” of your own energy… for healing and fulfilling the contracts your soul made Receive insights about “off-the-body” energy streams (chakras 8-12), which you can activate to manifest life purpose and your soul’s purpose (yes, they’re different) Explore how building new neurocircuitry can transform patterns of trial and error, stimulus-response, and survivorship. Gain insights into the way subtle energy influences your biochemistry and genetics 
Experience an advanced Energy Codes practice known as the “Elevator.” 
In Dr. Sue’s words, “We are multidimensional human beings; there is more to us than meets the eye, even more to us than meets the mind.”
If you’re ready to take full ownership of the multidimensional energy that you ARE… … it’s easy to RSVP — save your FREE spot here: 
*Only one day to go - ends 6th Nov 2018! 
Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being 
Yours in health Damon Baragwanath😀 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy 
Waiheke Island 

Activate the Charge in your Chakras for Deep and Transformative Healing! November 6th 2018 is the Final Day - FREE and Online

Activate the charge in your chakras for deep and transformative healing! 

I’m excited to invite you to join world-renowned chakra expert and leading somatic therapist Anodea Judith as she shares her considerable wisdom about how “charge” relates to our chakras

What exactly is “charge?” 

It’s your core life force, which powers everything you do. 

According to Anodea, understanding how your life-force energy, or charge, works and interfaces with your mind and body is the missing ingredient in the field of mind-body healing. 

You can discover how to activate and harmonize your charge to heal and transform your life during a FREE video event with her: Charge & the Chakras: The Inner Psychology of Activating & Harmonizing Your Life Force. Get all the details and RSVP here: 

Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being 

Yours in health Damon Baragwanath😀 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy 
Waiheke Island 

Saturday, 3 November 2018

FDA – prescription drugs scandal: Government agency allows $10 supplements to be banned and become $40,000 drugs!

FDA – prescription drugs scandal:

Government agency allows $10 supplements to be banned and become $40,000 drugs...

FDA – prescription drugs scandal: Government agency allows $10 supplements to be banned and become $40,000 drugs

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prescription-drugs-money(NaturalHealth365) A U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) back-channel has been allowing drug companies to make common supplements into expensive prescription drugs – and then have the more affordable nutritional supplement version run off the market.
It happened recently with vitamin B6 (pyridoxamine). Now, with the recent FDA approval of a sickle cell anemia drug, the same could be about to happen with the powerful and effective supplement L-glutamine.
The story you’re about to read is a perfect example of the greed (and corruption) within the pharmaceutical industry and how profits are prioritized over public health.

Hidden from plain sight: The ‘dark’ story behind prescription drugs

The new sickle cell disease drug is called Endari, and it was just approved in 2017 for the Emmaus Medical company. It is an orally ingested powder made from the L-glutamine supplement.
L-glutamine is a key amino acid that’s essential to cellular repair, gastrointestinal health, gut health, blood sugar regulation, brain health, mitochondrial functioning, detoxification, fat burning and building muscle tissue.
The Emmaus Medical company filed the application for their investigational drug in 1997. By law, a notification must be filed for supplements hitting the market after the year 1994.
The FDA back-channel allows drug companies to start investigating a nutrient for use in drug manufacture before supplement companies can file a notification; then the drug company can request that the FDA remove the supplement version from the market.

L-glutamine, CBD oil and many other nutritional supplements could skyrocket in price

At current prices, a bottle of 120 L-glutamine supplements costs under $10. By contrast, a year’s worth of Endari will have a reported price tag of at least $40,000!
If the drug company chooses to enforce its IND, the only way L-glutamine supplements would be allowed on the market going forward is if the FDA decides it was on the market as a supplement before 1994.
The rules on how/if supplements are grandfathered in aren’t fully established yet, either, making the FDA back-channel even easier for drug makers to exploit.
CBD oil (cannabidiol) faces a similar circumstance. For years, it has been available as an effective and fairly affordable supplement.
However, the FDA could decide that CBD is a ‘drug’ and make that ‘drug’ cost $32,500 – for a one year supply.  And, while this hasn’t happened (yet), if the back-channel persists – it could occur with CBD oil and many other health-enhancing supplements.

L-glutamine crucial to gut health and many cellular functions

While L-glutamine can be obtained conveniently (for now) in supplement form, there are also many foods that are rich in this important nutrient. They include both animal and plant-based proteins and are essential to maintaining optimal gut health.
The foods with the highest levels of L-glutamine include bone broth, grass-fed beef, salmon, turkey, cod, raw spinach, red cabbage, parsley, spirulina, cottage cheese, broccoli rabe and asparagus.
If this loophole in big pharma’s favor disturbs you, take action and advocate for changes to the law.
Drug companies have been gaming the system for too long, and the FDA is certainly complicit. Unless this issue is addressed and the back-channel closed, more nutritional supplements will be turned into expensive drugs out of most consumers’ financial reach.

Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being

Yours in health

Damon baragwanath
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy
Waiheke Island

Friday, 2 November 2018

Do You Have An Autoimmune Disease Or Know of Someone That Does? Then I Highly Recommend Reserving Your FREE Seat At the Coming Autoimmune Revolution!

Autoimmune Diseases Are On The Increase - Find Out WHY And How To Prevent, Even Cure Your Illness!

If you have an autoimmune disease -- Graves,' Hashimoto's, lupus, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, gluten-related disorders, IBS, psoriasis, Addison's and others -- your lifespan is likely a decade shorter than someone without disease. It doesn't have to be this way! 

Don't miss The Autoimmune Revolution 2018 from November 5-11, 2018, free and online! 

So, come join us and find find out why Health Talks Online is one of the leading & most respected online educators. I've been promoting their global health summits for over 2-years now! 

Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being 

Yours in health 
Damon Baragwanath 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy 
Waiheke Island 

Register for the Autoimmune Revolution & receive a FREE Gift! from November 5-11, 2018, FREE and online


Get Dr. Peter Osborne’s powerful, 68-page eBook, The Autoimmune Matrix, to help overcome the struggles of having an autoimmune disease! This eBook is based on his intelligent and guided action -- it could be invaluable to overcoming the struggles of living with an autoimmune disease. Download it now! 

It's FREE when you register for the Autoimmune Revolution Summit! 

Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being 

Yours in health 
Damon Baragwanath😀 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy
Waiheke Island 

Autoimmune Health and Well-Being - How to Rebalance Your Health!

Autoimmune Health 

The popular way conventional doctors treat autoimmune diseases is to prescribe immune-suppressing drugs -- which is causing an even greater health crisis. 

Learn to treat the root cause of your pain, not just the symptoms, at Dr. Peter Osborne's Autoimmune Revolution [click here to register now]! 

Don't miss The Autoimmune Revolution 2018 from November 5-11, 2018, free and online! 

Autoimmune Diseases are growing at an alarming rate. The good news is, it doesn't have to be this way, you needn't suffer or accept the illness a life sentence. 

Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being 

With love 
Damon Baragwanath 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy 
Waiheke Island 

Monday, 29 October 2018

SUPERHUMAN Brain MASTERCLASS - Your Brain is under Attack! - Learn how to PREVENT and REVERSE Cognitive Decline!

Your brain is under attack -- disorders like depression, anxiety, headaches, ADHD, memory loss, epilepsy, dementia and other neurological disorders are MORE prevalent than ever before! 

Get the brain UPGRADES you need to prevent and heal from these attacks!
Don't miss Superhuman Brain Masterclass from December 3-9, 2018, free and online! 
We have the Health Experts who will educate, empower and guide through all the "mine fields" to become a healthier and happier human being even in your later years. 
Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being! 
Damon Baragwanath😀 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy 
Waiheke Island

Sunday, 28 October 2018

Have you ever felt like you aren’t living the life you should be — that there’s a greater purpose out there for you? Join Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD as she teaches how you can live a more fulfilled life!

Discover Your Most Authentic Self and Finally Learn to Live Your Greater Purpose Through Understanding and Connecting With Your Natural Goddess Archetype!! 

Have you ever felt like you aren’t living the life you should be — that there’s a greater purpose out there for you? 

Do you feel like you’ve been playing by someone else’s rules all your life and not your own? 

Are you ready to step up and live life on your own terms? 

Internationally renowned author of Goddesses in Everywoman, Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD, teaches how you can live a more fulfilled, creative, satisfying life by tapping into the powerful force within you that is your natural goddess archetype. *Reserve your free spot here for this exciting offering: 

There are two primary forces that are quietly shaping your life right now — the outer influences of society and the invisible, inner archetypal energies stirring within you. The outer forces are the influences of your upbringing — the social, cultural, or familial lessons that are ingrained in your psyche about what your (or any woman’s) role in the world should be. The inner forces are the different archetypes inside you — symbolized by seven well-known Greek goddesses: Artemis, Athena, Hestia, Hera, Demeter, Persephone, and Aphrodite. Each archetype can be expressed within you at some point in your life, but you have one dominant archetype that best represents your true self, and when discovered and fully expressed, it can have a profound impact on your happiness, sense of purpose, and success on this planet. This is your natural or signature goddess archetype, the one that will lead to your most vital life-force, the juice to follow your wildest dreams, and the joy that brings you into resonance and a state of flow with the universe — so you can make soul-guided choices. It also provides important insight, not just on your own psychology, but on others around you as well — enabling more clarity, compassion, and wisdom in your relationships. 

Your natural archetype is a vital indicator of what’s stirring deep within your soul, and failing to identify and honor all that’s rousing within you can limit your growth and create a roadblock to expressing what lies in your depths. So are you ready discover your archetype and break free from the chains of society so you can start living life on your own terms — the way you were naturally meant to be? During this free online event, you’ll learn how to find your natural archetype from among the seven goddess archetypes so you can understand how to use this knowledge to enrich your life with more joy, vitality, and purpose.

In this free 60-minute online event, you’ll learn: A brief overview of the 7 goddess archetypes and how to find out what your own signature goddess archetype is How expressing this natural archetype can lead to more vitality, joy, and purpose in your life How to harness the energies of 2 transformational currents — the claiming of your natural goddess archetype and the expanded knowledge of how the other 6 types contribute to your soul purpose in this life How you can harness the power of the goddess archetypes to take back the steering wheel and become the protagonist of your own story How becoming aware of the mythic dimensions of your life choices can inspire deep creativity and greater fulfillment The potential shadow qualities of your natural archetype and how they you can use them to understand and work through your own problems and conflicts And so much more... There has never been a better time in history for you to fulfill your full potential by embracing and embodying your true Self. 

This complimentary hour with Jean is a rare opportunity to step into this power and glimpse the possibilities by identifying your natural archetype and empowering your authentic, full expression. 

What People Are Saying About Jean Shinoda Bolen... “I could trust her insights and teachings” I could see and feel that Jean has a deep wisdom, knowledge and understanding of human psychology. I learned a lot from everything she said. It all seemed very relevant. I felt I could trust her insights and teachings. — Sarah, Montreal “Opened up a new world for me...” Jean Shinoda Bolen had opened up a new world for me... I feel nurtured and I better understand my experience of a wide range of feelings and emotions throughout my life. — Jeanne-Elvire Adotevi, France “More of my authentic self...” [Jean] helped me understand myself more fully as a woman and bring more of my authentic self to all of my relationships. I recommend it highly to every woman who wants to deepen her relationship with herself. — Illyria “A rich, valuable experience...” Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD, is a national treasure! 

Thank you, Shift Network, for bringing Jean to us in real time. Her use of ritual, keen knowledge of the subject, and inspiring music... all made this a rich, valuable experience. I’m looking forward to her next offering. — Michelle Minero, MFT, Petaluma, California “This course has changed my life” This course has changed my life. It was an honor to participate in live lectures with Jean Shinoda Bolen, and on the weeks I missed I loaded the recordings onto my phone and enjoyed them on my commute! Thank you, Jean, and thank you, Shift Network! — Flora, Vancouver, British Columbia About Jean Shinoda Bolen Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD, is a psychiatrist, Jungian analyst, and an internationally known author and speaker. She’s the author of 13 influential books, including The Tao of Psychology, Goddesses in Everywoman, and Urgent Message from Mother, with over 80 foreign translations. She’s a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a former clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California at San Francisco, a past board member of the Ms. Foundation for Women and the International Transpersonal Association. Jean was a recipient of the Institute for Health and Healing’s “Pioneers in Art, Science, and the Soul of Healing Award,” and the Association for the Study of Women and Mythology’s Demeter Award for her lifetime achievement in women’s spirituality. She’s a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Jean has been featured in two acclaimed documentaries, the Academy-Award winning anti-nuclear proliferation film Women — for America, for the World, and the Canadian Film Board’s Goddess Remembered. The Millionth Circle Initiative was inspired by her book and led to her involvement at the UN. She’s an advocate for a UN 5th World Conference on Women, which was supported by the Secretary General and the President of the General Assembly in 2012. 

*Reserve your free spot here for this exciting offering: 

Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being 

Damon Baragwanath
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy 
Waiheke Island 

*Coming Soon!! A new REVOLUTION in Health Care - Thermobuzzer!

Friday, 26 October 2018

If You Have an Autoimmune Disease -- Graves,' Hashimoto's, lupus....your Lifespan is considerably shortened - Join us at The Autoimmune Revolution - Nove 5-11 - 2018 - FREE and Online!

Autoimmune Diseases Don't Have to Own You! 

If you have an autoimmune disease -- Graves,' Hashimoto's, lupus, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, gluten-related disorders, IBS, psoriasis, Addison's and others -- your lifespan is likely a decade shorter than someone without disease. It doesn't have to be this way! 

Don't miss The Autoimmune Revolution 2018 from November 5-11, 2018, free and online! 

Just because you have an Autoimmune Disease doesn't mean it's a lifetime sentence. All you need is to be informed, educated, have support & become empowered! 

Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being 
Damon Baragwanath😀 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy 
Waiheke Island 

*Be a part of the REVOLUTION! Coming Soon - Thermobuzzer!

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Medicinal Plants & Spiritual Evolution with David Crow - The fascinating and powerful relationship between plants and spiritual evolution is the passion of Floracopeia founder David Crow, who is brilliant on this subject!

How medicinal plants can fuel your spiritual evolution! 

Dear friend, 
We’re used to thinking of plants as “things” rather than living, sentient beings that are connected in profound ways to the health of our bodies, minds and souls. But what if plants — with all their health-giving effects and amazing diversity of expression — hold the key not just to our health but to our spiritual evolution? This idea is not as new as you might think, as it’s been part of ancient systems of natural medicine from Ayurveda to Chinese medicine. Plants affect our life force and connect us physically with the raw energy of the sun. The fascinating and powerful relationship between plants and spiritual evolution is the passion of Floracopeia founder David Crow, who is brilliant on this subject. 
I am excited to invite you to a FREE virtual event with David called, How Medicinal Plants Can Fuel Your Spiritual Evolution: Essential Insights that Unify Natural Medicine, Ecology & Spirituality.You’ll need to RSVP for your space here: 
If you’ve ever marveled at the peaceful beauty of a garden or been grateful for a herb that brought you healing or wondered how to harness the power of essential oils, you’ll be excited by David’s insights into the plant-human connection. During this virtual event, you’ll: Learn about body-based awareness exercises that will allow you to perceive plant intelligence more deeply. Relate to medicinal plants in a more meditative way to connect with their essence. Discover breath practices to open a stronger energetic relationship with plants. 
For more than 30 years, David Crow has pioneered a path that is about harnessing the power of plants to infuse more intelligence in your body, mind and soul — giving you a more organic wisdom and sustainable connection with life. He unifies wisdom from many streams of healing practices into a coherent understanding that will show you how to relate more deeply with medicinal plants for rejuvenation, awakening and health. And as I mentioned, the great news is that this virtual event is free! Register here: 
Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being 
Damon Baragwanath 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy 
*PS – In How Medicinal Plants Can Fuel Your Spiritual Evolution: Essential Insights that Unify Natural Medicine, Ecology & Spirituality, David Crow will help you understand plants in a more multi-dimensional way, so you can harmonize your bodily systems, heal old traumas and experience a more dynamic relationship with life force within and around you. RSVP for free here:

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Claim Your FREE Gift - Dr. Peter Osbornes Autoimmune Matrix e-Book!

Autoimmune Diseases are far too common and growing in frequency! 

Come join us for the Autoimmune Summit and receive a FREE gift! Get Dr. Peter Osborne’s powerful, 68-page eBook, The Autoimmune Matrix, to help overcome the struggles of having an autoimmune disease! This eBook is based on his intelligent and guided action -- it could be invaluable to overcoming the struggles of living with an autoimmune disease. Download it now! 

Enjoy your complimentary gift and I look forward to seeing you at the Global Autoimmune Health Summit

Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being 

Damon Baragwanath 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy 
Waiheke Island 
New Zealand 

*Coming Soon!! A NEW Paradigm in Health Care - Thermobuzzer!

Autoimmune Diseases are on the increase. Find out WHY, How to PREVENT and CURE these illnesses...

The incidence of AUTOIMMUNE disease is growing - Find out WHY, how to prevent & CURE!

The popular way conventional doctors treat autoimmune diseases is to prescribe immune-suppressing drugs -- which is causing an even greater health crisis. 

Learn to treat the root cause of your pain, not just the symptoms, at Dr. Peter Osborne's Autoimmune Revolution [click here to register now]! Don't miss The Autoimmune Revolution 2018 from November 5-11, 2018, free and online! 

Please feel most welcome to pass on this information to those you care about. 

Thank you 

Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being 

Damon Baragwanath 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy 
Waiheke Island 

*Coming Soon!! A REVOLUTION in Health Care - Thermobuzzer!

Monday, 22 October 2018

Spiritual seekers have long heard the lore about the rapid spiritual growth that can be sparked when you awaken the Kundalini energy that typically lies dormant at the base of your spine - Spiritual teacher Raja Choudhury will offer you potent, practical insights for working with this powerful energy - This is a FREE online event: 7 Keys to Awakening Your Kundalini: How to Safely Liberate the Blissful Divine Power Within.

Sustain the bliss of inner awakening by activating the Kundalini energy within you...... 

Spiritual seekers have long heard the lore about the rapid spiritual growth that can be sparked when you awaken the Kundalini energy that typically lies dormant at the base of your spine.

The awakening of Kundalini is a subject surrounded by hype, myth, and tales of caution; however, it is possible to connect with this primal force in a way that is grounded, gentle, and powerfully liberating — opening you to mystical awareness and a vast field of blissful energy.

Spiritual teacher Raja Choudhury will offer you potent, practical insights for working with this powerful energy safely and harmoniously to deepen, and enrich your life during a FREE online event: 7 Keys to Awakening Your Kundalini: How to Safely Liberate the Blissful Divine Power Within. You can register here:

During this complimentary hour, you’ll: Understand what true  is in both spiritual and mystical terms and how it can be explained by science, neuroscience, and modern psychology Explore how to awaken Kundalini safely and why you must begin at your root chakra rather than first attempt to activate your higher centers Discover the 3 regions and 7 centers in your body through which Kundalini works — and the key practices for awakening them Understand the esoteric power of your heart chakra and how to activate a golden sheath around your body that protects you from harmful energies Connect with your deepest self and inner bliss — and glimpse how Kundalini can help you become an evolved soul and a beacon of light in the world Access a secret sacred mantra that opens the 3 spheres of your body and gives you a taste of pure Ananda or Bliss In this hour-long mini-workshop, Raja will dispel many common myths about Kundalini and lay out a clear pathway to work with breath, mudras, and light to open to this extraordinary blessing in your body. As you open your Kundalini, you’ll begin to liberate more energy not only for your spiritual life but for your career, your creativity, and your service in the world! Register now:

Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being


firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy

P.S. If you’d like to discover ancient, experiential practices for opening, expanding, and aligning the most powerful spiritual energy in your body in a gentle, grounded way, don’t miss: 7 Keys to Awakening Your Kundalini: How to Safely Liberate the Blissful Divine Power Within.

RSVP for free, here:

A downloadable recording will be provided later to all who register, whether or not you listen to the scheduled event.

URGENT News!! Your Entire Livlihood, Retirement Savings, 401 K Plans, Investments Are at RISK!


From the founder of Agora Publishing – America’s largest network of independent news and research publishers – with publications reaching more than 2 million paid subscribers.  

Bill Bonner's Firm Predicted The fall of the Soviet Union. The collapse of the Japanese stock market. The dot-com bust in 2000. The rise of Muslim terrorism. And the financial meltdown of 2008. Right now, the founder of this network believes we're going to see a sixth event… right here in the very heart of America.  

The following is a direct message about what's going on… and how you can protect yourself. Please read on… and learn what is taking place right under your nose. It's an event which will shock and leave EVERY American in disbelief. I've personally tried to warn you before and I'm warning you again now. In a "nutshell" the banking system is about to crash and all of your savings, retirement funds, bonds and investments soon won't be yours. You won't even be able to withdraw funds from a bank of ATM machine.

All I can do is forewarn you and now it's your choice what to do. Whether you act or not. 

Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health, wealth & well-being 

With love 
Damon Baragwanath 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy 
Waiheke Island 
New Zealand

Coming Soon!! A NEW Global Health Summit & it's FREE - Your Chance to become more informed about your HEALTH!

Sick of being sick OR just want more control and understanding around your health? Then this is for YOU!

Our Health Hacker f(x) Summit experts are in the business of optimizing YOUR health, vibrancy and well-being. 

The advice you'll get from this event CANNOT be found from mainstream sources, and it could truly be the information and protocols you need to FINALLY realize your most vibrant, healthy self! All reasons not to miss Health Hacker f(x), online and free from November 26 - December 2, 2018! 

See you at the summit. 

Oh, don't forget to tell your friends & family too! 

Thank you 
Damon Baragwanath😀 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy 
Waiheke Island 
New Zealand 

*News Flash!! Coming Soon to firstinhealth - A New PARADIGM in Health care! Thermobuzzer!

Saturday, 20 October 2018

Would you like to have abundant health and vitality? You can... Join us at The Health Hacker f(x) Summit - Nov 26th - Dec 2nd 2018!

Are you sick of having poor health? 

Would you like to have abundant health and vitality? You can... Join us at The Health Hacker f(x) Summit if you're ready to claim your right -- physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually -- to the insider secrets, biohacking tools, little-known tricks and deep-healing protocols to give you an edge as you supercharge your life! We'll share this wisdom with you November 26 - December 2, 2018. Join us! 

Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being 

Love Damon😀 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy 
Waiheke Island 
New Zealand 

*Coming Soon to firstinhealth!! A REVOLUTION in Health Care - Thermobuzzer!

Isn't it time YOU started to take CHARGE and CONTROL of your own HEALTH? We have the RESOUCES to help you...

STOP waiting for a doctor to tell you how to reclaim your health!

This is YOUR journey, and the strategies you need to innovate and hack your way to exceptional health and wellness are ALREADY available. So, don't miss The Health Hacker f(x) Summit from November 26 - December 2, 2018, free and online! 

As a Personal Trainer & Integrative Health Consultant I've always believed in optimal health & well-being. I live and breath abundant health and can't imagine my life without it. I want you to imagine for a moment what it would feel like to have awesome energy from dawn to dusk and rarely get sick...sounds pretty good doesn't it! 

Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being 
Damon Baragwanath😀 
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy 
Waiheke Island New Zealand 

*Coming Soon!! A new Paradigm in Health Care - Thermobuzzer!