Monday, 29 August 2016

FREE Follow Along Steps to Triple Your Energy -- This Week!

This clinically-tested, researched, and internationally-acclaimed Energy Blueprint is an invaluable, possibly life-changing health resource that is a tiny investment in your every day, no matter if you're busy or feel like sitting on the couch, or even when you're feeling on fire and want to keep your flow.
Grab your FREE Energy Blueprint today to make sure no matter where you are, you're never more than arm's length away from a plan that's designed to help you look and feel better within the first 24 hours.
FREE -- Claim All 6 Episodes In Your Energy Blueprint Right Now (just pay a tiny $4.95 shipping and handling fee);

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Dr. Coldwell Says Hemp Cures Cancer - A Very Compelling Video!

You too can experience the health benefits of hemp seed oil direct from my friends Dave and Ann of The Hemp Farm NZ Ltd - thank you - Damon of 1stinhealth Personal Training and Integrative Health Consultancy NZ

Friday, 19 August 2016

Hemp Oil Has Incredible Healing Powers For Animals and Humans!

Hemp has been grown and harvested for thousands of years in China and India. As it is a very low maintenance and resilient crop which does not require the use of herbicides or pesticides, uses very little water, grows quickly, breaks down carbon dioxide and has a multitude of uses such as;
Jan 23, 2007 ... “The Hemp Plant, Humankind's Savior - 50,000 Uses and Counting” .... and one
of the many major causes for dramatic global climate change.

It is for this reason and as a Personal Trainer and Integrative Health Consultant, that I approached Dave and Ann of the New Zealand Hemp Farm Ltd, and asked if I could join their mission, so here I am! Thank you and enjoy reading the information.....who knows you may even join the Revolution and play a pivotal role in saving the planet and humanity. Now imagine that..........

Thank you - Damon of firstinhealth Personal Training and Integrative Health Consultancy 

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Physical Activity - Harvard Health - Dance Your Way To Better Health!

Many of us struggle with the idea of physical exercise such as going for a run, playing a sport or going to the gym. If you are one of those people do not fear because you can still benefit from exercise in other ways. For example walking/hiking, doing household chores, working in the garden or dancing. However, it is important to be aware that sedate physical activity such as walking {unless you're walking very briskly or up a decent incline/hill}will not be sufficient to elevate your heart and provide you with a good cardiovascular workout. A rough "rule of thumb" is to gauge your "perceived exertion" on a scale of 1-10. 1 represents complete inactivity e.g. lying down and 10 represents "all out" physical activity at 100% intensity. Thus if you're new to physical activity, recovering from illness or a heart condition then I would recommend setting a target of approx 5 {which is a moderate intensity}. On the other hand, if you're health is reasonable to good then I'd recommend working at a higher level of exertion such as between 7 and 9 out of 10. At this intensity, your breathing will be labored. And short bouts at this type of intensity interspersed with lighter bouts of intensity {known as interval training} will condition your heart and cardiovascular system to a much higher and healthier level. I would only recommend trying level 10 at 100% if you're already very well conditioned. Thank you and all the best for a healthy, happy and prosperous life!

Damon of 1stinhealth  

Physical Activity - Harvard Health

Secrets to maintaining a healthy sex life!

As we age we experience wide-ranging changes in our bodies. Including reduced muscle mass, tone, strength and also reduced hormonal levels. In particular, over 40 years of age, it is our sex hormones which taper off resulting in a decreased libido and subsequent sex drive. This can be mitigated and reduced with a healthy organic diet, lifestyle and regular fitness regime. But also it is the maintenance of healthy sexual relationships including EI {Emotional Intelligence}that can have far-reaching effects on sexual health;