Tuesday, 11 September 2018

The Diabetes Breakthrough Your Doctor Won't Tell You About

The Diabetes Breakthrough Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About  
Earlier I told you that Type 2 diabetes is considered by most doctors to be an incurable progressive, degenerative disease. That means it gets worse over time, not better. However, it is possible to reverse your type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes and end the need for drugs or injections. You can take the quiz here. [https://buff.ly/2QnGwVh

How? Just throwing medications at it all day will certainly not correct the problem. There are a variety of drugs for diabetes, weight loss, high cholesterol, blood pressure, and other problems. Most of these drugs work for a while. They do their job – bring down the sugar, cholesterol, or blood pressure, help you sleep, give you better sexual function. But, they rarely work long term. If you don’t address the root cause, then the underlying problem will continue to get worse, and eventually you may need to be put on insulin. That is the conventional medical way of thinking. That is the program you are most likely following now. Ask yourself, “How is that working for me?” If you were completely happy with your diabetes care, something tells me you probably wouldn’t be reading this right now. The good news is that there is another option. You can do this by finding the root cause of your elevated blood sugar. In fact, there are 4 specific challenges that can cause your blood sugar to rise. Meaning that effective blood sugar control strategies are NOT “1 size fits all”. So, to avoid those dangerous highs and lows, there are different specific strategies based on these challenges. That is why my friend and esteemed colleague, Dr. Michael Murray developed a simple 6-question quiz. This quiz will help you determine your biggest challenge to blood sugar control. Based on your gender, age, body shape and 3 other factors, he can accurately determine exactly which blood sugar challenge is affecting your readings, and give you these results for free. You can take the quiz here. [https://buff.ly/2QnGwVh

Over 30 years of clinical experience and research has led Dr. Murray to the key discovery that an individual’s development of type 2 diabetes is typically driven by one of these 4 challenges: the Thrifty Genotype, exposure to POPs, low AMPk, or high Cortisol. Each and every individual is unique, which is why a number of factors need to be taken into consideration. Once you target your specific challenge, you can significantly improve your overall health and quality of life. Take the Quiz Now [https://buff.ly/2QnGwVh] to find out what your #1 Blood Sugar Challenge is and what you can do about it for free. (And it takes less than 30 seconds to complete!) 

Damon Baragwanath

firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy 

Waiheke Island 


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