The Diabetes Detox
“Everything you’ve
been told about type II diabetes
New research reveals a shocking hidden cause of diabetes and the
simple plan that can reverse diabetes in 30 days.
Dear Reader,
If you suffer from type II diabetes – or know someone who does…
This may be the most important presentation you ever watch!
My name is Brian Chambers. I’m a health journalist and published author.
Today, at the urging of one of America’s top doctors, I’m sounding the alarm…
Because chances are, the diabetes advice you’re getting from your doctor is DANGEROUSLY OUT OF DATE… and could actually be making your diabetes WORSE.
New research is changing everything… revealing a shocking hidden cause of diabetes – and mainstream doctors simply aren’t paying attention…
This new discovery explains why diabetes has skyrocketed in the past few years, even though our diets haven’t really changed…
It reveals why diabetes often won’t go away, even if you do change your diet and exercise habits…
And most importantly, it shows you a simple new plan that can reverse every symptom of type II diabetes in a few weeks – WITHOUT giving up the foods and drinks you love.
I know that’s a bold claim, so please keep watching long enough for me to prove it to you…
Because in the next few minutes I’ll show you…
Follow the simple instructions I’m about to give you, and according to one of America’s top doctors, you can realistically expect to…
Watch every symptom of your diabetes
And I’m talking about symptoms your doctor can easily measure at your
next checkup. Like your Hemoglobin A1c, fasting blood glucose,
cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure.
That way, you (and your doctor) will KNOW you’re completely free of diabetes.
Then you can toss that glucose meter in the trash, forget about taking a diabetes pill every day, and never buy another box of test strips…
You can eat your favorite foods, without worrying about your blood sugar…
You’ll feel all the youthful energy coursing through your body every moment of the day… and a clear head to go with it…
And your doctor will be stunned when, checkup after checkup, you register perfect results on your blood work and you’re finally able to start ditching the prescriptions…
Imagine that for a moment -- how would being declared “diabetes free” change your life?
Would you enjoy your meals more, since you don’t have to worry about what they’re doing to your blood sugar?
Would your mood be brighter, since you’re no longer dealing with blood sugar swings that make you tired, hungry, thirsty, and foggy-headed?
Would you do more of the things you truly enjoy, since your energy levels are strong and steady?
Would you let go of the nagging fear over things like kidney failure, amputation, and blindness?
Would you feel more excited about your future?
That’s my hope for you. And that’s exactly why I created this presentation.
Now, let me clear something up before we get started. I know you’ve probably seen some “miracle diabetes cures” floating around the Internet.
And you’re right to be skeptical.
So please -- don’t believe anything I say -- yet. All I ask is that you keep watching as I reveal the undeniable scientific evidence for a shocking hidden cause of diabetes, as reported by one of America’s leading doctors and diabetes experts…
And it may shock you…
Because it has almost NOTHING to do with your diet.
You’ve heard of “insulin sensitivity,” right?
It’s a measure of how well your cells respond to the hormone insulin. When your insulin sensitivity is low, your cells don’t absorb glucose and your blood sugar soars.
And according to conventional wisdom, it’s too many carbs in your diet that throws off your insulin sensitivity.
Now that’s partly true. However, it’s NOT the whole story.
I’ll bet you know someone who – or maybe you’ve experienced this yourself – after getting a diabetes diagnosis, you make the recommended changes to your diet… giving up the foods you love, and living on grilled chicken and steamed veggies…
Yet when you go back to the doctor, your blood sugar levels are STILL out of whack.
What’s really going on?
Well the new research reveals a startling fact: there’s something besides your diet that has a HUGE effect on your insulin sensitivity.
It’s truly a hidden cause of diabetes – because mainstream doctors simply don’t know about it.
I’ll tell you what it is in just a second.
And then I’ll show you what you can do about it – how to reverse your symptoms in 30 days, get off the drugs for good… and feel the way you did before diabetes took over your life.
First, let me show you who’s behind this medical breakthrough – and why he’s worth listening to.
His name is Dr. Mark Stengler.
If that rings a bell, you may have seen him on Fox News, The 700 Club, or National Public Television, delivering pearls of health wisdom to millions of viewers.
Or maybe you’ve picked up a copy of one of his 34 best-selling books on scientifically proven natural remedies.
What you may not know, however, is that Dr. Stengler’s much more than a media personality.
His REAL passion is, and always has been, helping his patients face-to-face.
He runs one of America’s top natural healing centers in Southern California – the kind of place celebrities, pro athletes, high-powered CEOs, AND regular folks like you and me go to get the cutting-edge natural therapies they can’t get anywhere else…
And while Dr. Stengler’s expertise is highly sought-after for everything from chronic pain to cancer…
He’s perhaps best known for helping his patients CURE diabetes in a number of weeks.
Folks like Jennifer Ehrlich – a 65-year-old grandmother of four from Los Angeles. She went to see Dr. Stengler after the side effects from her diabetes drugs started to really bother her.
Thanks to Dr. Stengler’s powerful anti-diabetes protocol, Jenifer watched her blood sugar drop 80 points in just four weeks…
That 80-point drop took her OUT of the diabetic range. Now she no longer takes any medications, and remains completely diabetes free.
Can you imagine, being diabetes free just 4 weeks from now?
And Jennifer is just one of the many patients Dr. Stengler has helped erase their diabetes naturally…
And it’s all because he deals with the real root causes of diabetes -- even though it flies right in the face of conventional wisdom.
I have no doubt that in a few years’ time, Dr. Stengler will be hailed as a medical hero.
He’ll be all over the news – and your friends will be saying, “have you heard about this doctor, Mark Stengler? They say he’s actually cured diabetes…”
Because the fact is that, YES – he’s pioneered a simple way you can reverse every single symptom of type II diabetes in 30 days (or less).
First though, you must know how to identify what’s CAUSING your diabetes – and this is the part that will really shock you.
The “Hidden Diabetes Trigger” that gave you the disease
As I mentioned, it’s something other than your diet that has a HUGE effect on your insulin sensitivity…
It’s something Dr. Stengler calls your “toxic index.”
Let me explain…
We live in a world that is bathed in toxic chemicals.
From prescription drugs… to additives in our food… pollution in the air and water… contaminants in our soil…
Never before in history have our bodies been bombarded with so many toxins. Toxic index is a way of measuring YOUR exposure, and finding out how it’s affecting your health.
See, it’s no secret that these chemicals are bad for us. Our bodies have no way to eliminate them, so they just build up slowly over the years… And they’re affecting us in ways we’re only starting to figure out.
And one thing is becoming clear…
A high toxic index has a HUGE impact on your ability to process carbs and control your blood sugar.
For example, the #1 contributor to your toxic index is also America’s most popular prescription drug: Statins.
A new study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine proves it:
Cholesterol-lowering drugs like Lipitor and Crestor WRECK your insulin sensitivity, spiking your risk of type II diabetes up to 87%!
In other words, when your doctor told you to start taking a statin drug… he practically wrote you a prescription for diabetes.
Make no mistake – this discovery should have been front page news. Everyone taking statins should have been alerted to the dangers…
Yet not so much as a peep on the evening news.
And it gets worse – in the study, people taking statins were more than TWICE as likely to have dangerous complications like nerve damage and kidney problems…
And remember, statins are only ONE source of toxins that causes diabetes.
It seems like every day, a new study comes out linking a drug, chemical, or food additive to diabetes.
For example…
Friend, these new findings change EVERYTHING!
It used to be that diabetes was blamed on eating too many sweets… drinking too many sodas… or being overweight…
But it’s just not that simple!
Even if you ate the “recommended” diet for diabetes… even if you went further and followed an extreme low carb diet… even if you exercised an hour a day… even if you took all the medications your doctor prescribes…
Your body would STILL be polluted with chemicals that study after study says can trigger diabetes.
You could STILL be dealing with out-of-control blood sugar levels… energy slumps… brain fog… and you could STILL be at risk for complications like kidney failure and amputation.
Luckily, Dr. Stengler has pioneered a way to quickly lower your toxic index – and get back your natural, healthy metabolism and blood sugar levels.
He honed it over years of clinical practice, with real people fighting diabetes. It’s simple, inexpensive, and takes just a few weeks…
And I’ll share everything you need to know in just a second.
But maybe you’re wondering…
“With all this research, why hasn’t my own doctor warned me about toxic index?”
That’s a GREAT question. And the answer is simple.
It has to do with the way most doctors are educated. See, after they go through med school and residency and start practicing, all doctors are required to attend continuing education classes once a year.
The idea is to keep them updated on the latest developments in their field.
Sounds good, right? But here’s the problem: those classes are sponsored and financed by drug companies.
And the only thing doctors really learn is what new drugs are available.
They’re more like sales pitches than learning sessions…
Add to that the simple fact that most doctors are too busy (or too arrogant) to keep up with the latest research…
But Dr. Stengler is different.
His education involved about 200 times more training in natural therapies. He knows the subtle, yet powerful ways nutrition and detoxification can heal the body.
And he continues to devote time every day to studying the latest research…
But he doesn’t stop there. He uses what he learns with his patients, often discovering powerful new ways to reverse disease.
That’s how he perfected the diabetes-erasing plan I want to introduce you to now.
It’s called…
Dr. Mark Stengler’s
It’s the first and only plan designed specifically to rid your body of the toxic index that contributes to diabetes.
And it couldn’t be simpler!
Just follow this step-by-step plan – which involves nothing more complicated than adding a few specific detoxifying herbs and compounds to your meals for a few weeks…
And watching every symptom of your diabetes disappear.
Dr. Stengler has seen it happen time and again in his patients… and he wants YOU to be next.
According to his research, you’ll feel the difference right away… and your doctor willbe able to measure the changes – in your blood sugar, HbA1c, cholesterol and triglycerides…
So there will be NO QUESTION Dr. Stengler’s program works…
Imagine that – knowing beyond any doubt that diabetes is NOT a part of your life anymore. You don’t have to take medication for it. You don’t have to see doctors about it. You don’t even have to think about it ever again.
And that’s not the only change you’ll experience when you use this Detox plan.
Your energy will come roaring back to life, and you’ll probably feel better than you have in years…
Your metabolism will get a powerful boost, and you may find it easier to lose weight than ever before…
Your mind will feel clear and bright, like you’ve swept out the cobwebs…
You may even see your skin and hair looking more youthful, and feel aches and pains melt away…
And you will be able to enjoy once again times of indulging with the delicious foods you love…
Because once you rid yourself of toxic index, your insulin production and insulin sensitivity will come back into balance – and the rest takes care of itself!
Let me explain how the plan works.
For every toxin we’re exposed to, there is almost always a corresponding detoxifier in nature.
For example, nearly all of us have some toxic heavy metals in our systems, like lead and cadmium. And heavy metal toxicity is a HUGE part of toxic index.
Luckily, a few treatments with a natural compound called (EDTA) has been proven to pull toxic heavy metals out of our bodies safely and naturally.
It’s a central part of Dr. Stengler’s Diabetes Detox, because it can take a huge slice out of your toxic index in a couple weeks time…
Yet it’s just PART of the whole detox…
And that’s what makes this plan so unique.
Using just a few inexpensive nutrients and detoxifying compounds, in the right doses and the correct order, you can ERASE the toxic index that keeps you diabetic.
You can find these nutrients at a health food store or online, and Dr. Stengler will guide you to his recommended sources. Each one is safe, natural, and 100% verified by Dr. Stengler himself…
And since the toxins that trigger diabetes cause a whole host of other problems… by the time you finish the Diabetes Detox, you may just feel like a brand new person…
Not only will your blood sugar and insulin levels stabilize – don’t be surprised if your energy levels soar, brain fog evaporates, and your skin seems more youthful…
Most importantly, though -- you’ll no longer be diabetic.
If you want, you can have your doctor check you out just to be sure!
My friend…
I can’t wait for the day your doctor declares you
That’s the day you’ll join Dr. Stengler’s patients who’ve used his Detox secrets to erase their own diabetes.
Folks like…
Kara Malloy from Columbus, Ohio, who was recently diagnosed with type II diabetes. She says,
How would you like to be next?
Because now, for the first time ever… Dr. Stengler has published his complete Diabetes Detox plan in a hard copy manual that YOU can use as your personal diabetes-reversing guidebook.
I can’t stress enough how easy this plan is to follow – just round up the necessary nutrients, take them on schedule, and in a few weeks you’ll finally feel like yourself again…
Your blood sugar stabilizes in the normal range, and diabetes is no longer part of your life!
Meanwhile, you’re eating the foods you love without counting every carb or calorie…
You’re feeling a fresh new stream of energy that powers you through your day…
Your friends and family are starting to notice a difference, asking what your secret is…
And you can tell them, 2 words: DIABETES DETOX!
But before you do, I want to show you what else you’ll get when you request your copy of Diabetes Detox.
See, while Dr. Stengler believes the Detox program is absolutely the best way to naturally reverse your diabetes, he has a few more “trade secrets” that can help you see results even faster.
So he’s included 3 bonus reports, FREE, when you request your copy in the next 12 minutes…
And honestly, each one is worth the price of admission on its own.
These are hard-won, battle-tested tricks to make sure you get the most out of the diabetes Detox, and that you’re diabetes free as soon as possible…
Bonus #1 is what Dr. Stengler calls…
The Secret Fiber: How to Eat delicious Carbs
Imagine a “magic” ingredient that you could add to any meal – without
changing the flavor – that would, as far as your blood sugar is
concerned -- cut the carbs in half.
Impossible, right?
I would have thought so too, until I saw it with my own eyes…
And believe it or not, the ingredient is a little-known type of fiber.
Not the kind you get in a bottle of Metamucil, or a spoonful of flax seeds.
Don’t get me wrong -- that kind of fiber is great for digestion.
But there’s a completely different kind of fiber – found only in a few exotic foods, or in supplement form, that works in a completely different way.
It actually prevents the carbohydrates you eat from being absorbed in your digestive tract.
It’s an all-natural carb-blocker that really works – and yet almost no one knows about it!
Of course, it can’t block ALL the carbs you eat – but think what a difference it would make if you could cut your post-meal blood sugar spikes in half – just by adding this to carb-heavy snacks and meals!
In this bonus report, Dr. Stengler will reveal which foods are rich in this “other” fiber.
And even better, he shows you how to get it in supplement form – so you can enjoy even the most delicious sweets and carbs, without totally ruining your blood sugar…
And the Fiber Secret is even more powerful when you combine it with bonus #2:
Dr. Stengler’s Fat Burning Jumpstart: How to switch on
Look, diabetes and extra weight go hand in hand.
Which is why Dr. Stengler included this handy little guide to melting fat faster and easier…
He calls it a “non-diet” because it’s not about eliminating your favorite foods. Rather it’s a few simple tweaks to what and when you eat.
If you’re looking to lose fat – and especially if you have 10-20 pounds to lose – this will be a Godsend.
By following these simple recommendations, you’ll “switch on” a potent fat melting hormone practically without effort.
With this secret working for you, fat loss suddenly becomes MUCH easier…
Because the hormone in question is actually one of the most potent natural appetite suppressants ever discovered…
It simply destroys food cravings. According to Dr. Stengler, most people who use it automatically slash their calorie intake by more than half… And they report feeling energetic and happy as dozens of pounds disappear!
No hunger pangs at all!
Don’t worry, it’s safe and stimulant-free. Dr. Stengler never recommends anything he hasn’t personally verified for safety and effectiveness.
Bottom line: if you need to lose A LOT of weight, and you want to do it quickly without killing yourself, Fat Burning Jumpstart is exactly what you’ve been searching for.
And it’s yours FREE when you request your copy of the Diabetes Detox program!
And speaking of supplements, I’m sure you’ve noticed a lot of hype recently about supposed “miracle formulas” that reduce blood sugar.
And you know what?
Most of them are worthless.
Many use ingredients that haven’t been proven effective in human studies. And the ones that do use quality ingredients use such paltry amounts, they wouldn’t work even if you doubled or tripled the dosage!
Not to mention how horribly overpriced many of them are…
But Dr. Stengler is one of the few doctors today who formulates and tests supplements in his clinic.
And he knows firsthand, there are a handful of supplements worth their salt. And one or two that are INCREDIBLY powerful. Especially when used alongside the diabetes detox plan…
For example, one extract from a type of thorny Asian shrub has proven in human studies to lower blood sugar BETTER than the leading prescription drug, Metformin!
And it does it without the side effects, and without adding to your toxic index.
In bonus report #3…
To be clear, you don’t NEED to take these supplements – the Detox program alone will have a massive impact.
But if you want results faster, here’s your ticket.
All 3 of these bonus reports are yours FREE right now, the minute you order your copy of the Diabetes Detox program.
Oh, and I almost forgot to mention: your satisfaction with this program is 100% guaranteed.
If you try the program and for some reason it doesn’t work the way you hoped, you can get every penny back with no questions asked. Your order will come with a link to a quick online refund request form – so you don’t even have to pick up the phone or email us.
Just fill out the form, and your refund is on the way.
I can’t imagine any reason you’d need to do that, but you always have the option. And there’s no time limit either, so you can try the program for as long as you want with no risk.
The fact is, a few weeks into the diabetes Detox, you’re going to be feeling so darn healthy and energetic, the small price you pay today will seem like pocket change.
Think of it this way…
Even if you went to the best doctors in the country, spending $1,000 or more out of pocket for each visit…
Even if you followed their recommendations and took the latest and greatest prescription drugs, some of which cost $200 dollars a month or more…
Even if you hired a nutritionist at $500 an hour to tell you exactly what to eat…
Even if you joined a gym for a hundred bucks a month, and started doing cardio for an hour every day…
Even if you did all of that…
You STILL wouldn’t be addressing ALL the underlying causes of diabetes. You’d still be stuck in the same old quagmire of drugs, side effects, energy crashes, blood sugar spikes and slumps…
Friend, there IS a better way…
And the best part is… It’s a tiny fraction of the cost!
See, the regular price for the Diabetes Detox manual – WITHOUT any of the fantastic bonus reports -- is $59.95.
But today, through this special online offer, you can get your copy of the manual – which contains the complete, step-by-step Diabetes Detox plan – for more than 50% OFF the original price! PLUS your 3 life-changing bonus reports, all FREE!
And with our 100% satisfaction guarantee, you don’t risk a penny to try the program today.
Simply click the button below to request your copy now.
Because the way I see it, you’re standing at a crossroads.
You can close this page, do nothing, and continue down the path you’re on. You can keep suffering with lifelong diabetic symptoms… spending hundreds on test strips and glucose meters… trying to track all your numbers… taking pills every day that only make your toxic index worse… all the while wondering if someday you’ll have to have a foot cut off…
Or… you can click the button below, and choose a better future.
You can get right to the root causes of diabetes… eliminate it with a safe, natural technique developed by one of America’s leading doctors… and enjoy the youthful energy and freedom that comes with it.
The choice is yours, but please understand…
We’re limiting today’s offer to 400 copies of the manual and bonuses.
Once that number is reached – which could happen any second – that’s it. Your chance to reverse diabetes naturally may be gone forever.
So please, don’t wait.
Remember, there’s NO TIME LIMIT on our money back guarantee. So you can try the program as long as you want without risking a penny.
So please, let us send your copy right away. Doesn’t it make sense to see and feel the results for yourself, and THEN decide if it’s worth the small price we’re charging today?
Click the button below to get started.
New research is changing everything… revealing a shocking hidden cause of diabetes – and mainstream doctors simply aren’t paying attention…
This new discovery explains why diabetes has skyrocketed in the past few years, even though our diets haven’t really changed…
It reveals why diabetes often won’t go away, even if you do change your diet and exercise habits…
And most importantly, it shows you a simple new plan that can reverse every symptom of type II diabetes in a few weeks – WITHOUT giving up the foods and drinks you love.
I know that’s a bold claim, so please keep watching long enough for me to prove it to you…
Because in the next few minutes I’ll show you…
- Why almost everything your doctor believes about diabetes is DEAD WRONG and may actually be making your symptoms worse…
- Why type II diabetes is NOT your fault – and who’s really to blame (WARNING: this part may shock and infuriate you, and rightly so…)
- How to get rid of the sinister TRUE source of diabetes – without ANY drastic changes to your diet or lifestyle…
Follow the simple instructions I’m about to give you, and according to one of America’s top doctors, you can realistically expect to…
Watch every symptom of your diabetes
disappear completely within 30 days
And I’m talking about symptoms your doctor can easily measure at your
next checkup. Like your Hemoglobin A1c, fasting blood glucose,
cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure.That way, you (and your doctor) will KNOW you’re completely free of diabetes.
Then you can toss that glucose meter in the trash, forget about taking a diabetes pill every day, and never buy another box of test strips…
You can eat your favorite foods, without worrying about your blood sugar…
You’ll feel all the youthful energy coursing through your body every moment of the day… and a clear head to go with it…
And your doctor will be stunned when, checkup after checkup, you register perfect results on your blood work and you’re finally able to start ditching the prescriptions…
Imagine that for a moment -- how would being declared “diabetes free” change your life?
Would you enjoy your meals more, since you don’t have to worry about what they’re doing to your blood sugar?
Would your mood be brighter, since you’re no longer dealing with blood sugar swings that make you tired, hungry, thirsty, and foggy-headed?
Would you do more of the things you truly enjoy, since your energy levels are strong and steady?
Would you let go of the nagging fear over things like kidney failure, amputation, and blindness?
Would you feel more excited about your future?
That’s my hope for you. And that’s exactly why I created this presentation.
Now, let me clear something up before we get started. I know you’ve probably seen some “miracle diabetes cures” floating around the Internet.
And you’re right to be skeptical.
So please -- don’t believe anything I say -- yet. All I ask is that you keep watching as I reveal the undeniable scientific evidence for a shocking hidden cause of diabetes, as reported by one of America’s leading doctors and diabetes experts…
And it may shock you…
Because it has almost NOTHING to do with your diet.
You’ve heard of “insulin sensitivity,” right?
It’s a measure of how well your cells respond to the hormone insulin. When your insulin sensitivity is low, your cells don’t absorb glucose and your blood sugar soars.
And according to conventional wisdom, it’s too many carbs in your diet that throws off your insulin sensitivity.
Now that’s partly true. However, it’s NOT the whole story.
I’ll bet you know someone who – or maybe you’ve experienced this yourself – after getting a diabetes diagnosis, you make the recommended changes to your diet… giving up the foods you love, and living on grilled chicken and steamed veggies…
Yet when you go back to the doctor, your blood sugar levels are STILL out of whack.
What’s really going on?
Well the new research reveals a startling fact: there’s something besides your diet that has a HUGE effect on your insulin sensitivity.
It’s truly a hidden cause of diabetes – because mainstream doctors simply don’t know about it.
I’ll tell you what it is in just a second.
And then I’ll show you what you can do about it – how to reverse your symptoms in 30 days, get off the drugs for good… and feel the way you did before diabetes took over your life.
First, let me show you who’s behind this medical breakthrough – and why he’s worth listening to.
His name is Dr. Mark Stengler.
If that rings a bell, you may have seen him on Fox News, The 700 Club, or National Public Television, delivering pearls of health wisdom to millions of viewers.
Or maybe you’ve picked up a copy of one of his 34 best-selling books on scientifically proven natural remedies.
What you may not know, however, is that Dr. Stengler’s much more than a media personality.
His REAL passion is, and always has been, helping his patients face-to-face.
He runs one of America’s top natural healing centers in Southern California – the kind of place celebrities, pro athletes, high-powered CEOs, AND regular folks like you and me go to get the cutting-edge natural therapies they can’t get anywhere else…
And while Dr. Stengler’s expertise is highly sought-after for everything from chronic pain to cancer…
He’s perhaps best known for helping his patients CURE diabetes in a number of weeks.
Folks like Jennifer Ehrlich – a 65-year-old grandmother of four from Los Angeles. She went to see Dr. Stengler after the side effects from her diabetes drugs started to really bother her.
Thanks to Dr. Stengler’s powerful anti-diabetes protocol, Jenifer watched her blood sugar drop 80 points in just four weeks…
That 80-point drop took her OUT of the diabetic range. Now she no longer takes any medications, and remains completely diabetes free.
Can you imagine, being diabetes free just 4 weeks from now?
And Jennifer is just one of the many patients Dr. Stengler has helped erase their diabetes naturally…
And it’s all because he deals with the real root causes of diabetes -- even though it flies right in the face of conventional wisdom.
I have no doubt that in a few years’ time, Dr. Stengler will be hailed as a medical hero.
He’ll be all over the news – and your friends will be saying, “have you heard about this doctor, Mark Stengler? They say he’s actually cured diabetes…”
Because the fact is that, YES – he’s pioneered a simple way you can reverse every single symptom of type II diabetes in 30 days (or less).
First though, you must know how to identify what’s CAUSING your diabetes – and this is the part that will really shock you.
The “Hidden Diabetes Trigger” that gave you the disease
in the first place -- and makes it worse every day…
As I mentioned, it’s something other than your diet that has a HUGE effect on your insulin sensitivity…It’s something Dr. Stengler calls your “toxic index.”
Let me explain…
We live in a world that is bathed in toxic chemicals.
From prescription drugs… to additives in our food… pollution in the air and water… contaminants in our soil…
Never before in history have our bodies been bombarded with so many toxins. Toxic index is a way of measuring YOUR exposure, and finding out how it’s affecting your health.
See, it’s no secret that these chemicals are bad for us. Our bodies have no way to eliminate them, so they just build up slowly over the years… And they’re affecting us in ways we’re only starting to figure out.
And one thing is becoming clear…
A high toxic index has a HUGE impact on your ability to process carbs and control your blood sugar.
For example, the #1 contributor to your toxic index is also America’s most popular prescription drug: Statins.
A new study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine proves it:
Cholesterol-lowering drugs like Lipitor and Crestor WRECK your insulin sensitivity, spiking your risk of type II diabetes up to 87%!
In other words, when your doctor told you to start taking a statin drug… he practically wrote you a prescription for diabetes.
Make no mistake – this discovery should have been front page news. Everyone taking statins should have been alerted to the dangers…
Yet not so much as a peep on the evening news.
And it gets worse – in the study, people taking statins were more than TWICE as likely to have dangerous complications like nerve damage and kidney problems…
And remember, statins are only ONE source of toxins that causes diabetes.
It seems like every day, a new study comes out linking a drug, chemical, or food additive to diabetes.
For example…
- A recent study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism links antibiotics to diabetes. Researchers believe antibiotics kill the gut bacteria responsible for breaking down carbohydrates. They end up spiking your blood sugar every time you eat…
- Researchers in Spain recently studied a chemical used in nearly
every plastic food container. They tested it on cells from both
laboratory mice AND people. And what they found is shocking -- this
“harmless” chemical triggers DOUBLES insulin production!
That’s a sure-fire way to wreck your insulin sensitivity! In fact, researchers have been able to MAKE mice diabetic – simply by giving them a few doses of this chemical. And it’s everywhere… from soup cans to water bottles to TV dinners…
- TWO new studies from major Diabetes journals link certain types of
pesticides to a HUGE increase in diabetes risk. These pesticides are
found in meat, fish and dairy products.
So even if you’re following your doctor’s advice to eat more protein and less carbs, you may actually be making your diabetes WORSE…
- Chemicals added to household items like carpets, drapes and mattresses to make them flame-resistant have now been linked to diabetes by scientists at the University of Queensland in Australia. They believe these chemicals interfere with your pancreas’s ability to make insulin.
- An eye-opening study in the journal Diabetes Care, published in 2013, showed that exposure to mercury – even small amounts, like from eating fish – can spike your diabetes risk up to 65%! It lowers your ability to metabolize blood sugar, leading straight to diabetic symptoms…
Friend, these new findings change EVERYTHING!
It used to be that diabetes was blamed on eating too many sweets… drinking too many sodas… or being overweight…
But it’s just not that simple!
Even if you ate the “recommended” diet for diabetes… even if you went further and followed an extreme low carb diet… even if you exercised an hour a day… even if you took all the medications your doctor prescribes…
Your body would STILL be polluted with chemicals that study after study says can trigger diabetes.
You could STILL be dealing with out-of-control blood sugar levels… energy slumps… brain fog… and you could STILL be at risk for complications like kidney failure and amputation.
Luckily, Dr. Stengler has pioneered a way to quickly lower your toxic index – and get back your natural, healthy metabolism and blood sugar levels.
He honed it over years of clinical practice, with real people fighting diabetes. It’s simple, inexpensive, and takes just a few weeks…
And I’ll share everything you need to know in just a second.
But maybe you’re wondering…
“With all this research, why hasn’t my own doctor warned me about toxic index?”
That’s a GREAT question. And the answer is simple.
It has to do with the way most doctors are educated. See, after they go through med school and residency and start practicing, all doctors are required to attend continuing education classes once a year.
The idea is to keep them updated on the latest developments in their field.
Sounds good, right? But here’s the problem: those classes are sponsored and financed by drug companies.
And the only thing doctors really learn is what new drugs are available.
They’re more like sales pitches than learning sessions…
Add to that the simple fact that most doctors are too busy (or too arrogant) to keep up with the latest research…
But Dr. Stengler is different.
His education involved about 200 times more training in natural therapies. He knows the subtle, yet powerful ways nutrition and detoxification can heal the body.
And he continues to devote time every day to studying the latest research…
But he doesn’t stop there. He uses what he learns with his patients, often discovering powerful new ways to reverse disease.
That’s how he perfected the diabetes-erasing plan I want to introduce you to now.
It’s called…
Dr. Mark Stengler’s

It’s the first and only plan designed specifically to rid your body of the toxic index that contributes to diabetes.And it couldn’t be simpler!
Just follow this step-by-step plan – which involves nothing more complicated than adding a few specific detoxifying herbs and compounds to your meals for a few weeks…
And watching every symptom of your diabetes disappear.
Dr. Stengler has seen it happen time and again in his patients… and he wants YOU to be next.
According to his research, you’ll feel the difference right away… and your doctor willbe able to measure the changes – in your blood sugar, HbA1c, cholesterol and triglycerides…
So there will be NO QUESTION Dr. Stengler’s program works…
Imagine that – knowing beyond any doubt that diabetes is NOT a part of your life anymore. You don’t have to take medication for it. You don’t have to see doctors about it. You don’t even have to think about it ever again.
And that’s not the only change you’ll experience when you use this Detox plan.
Your energy will come roaring back to life, and you’ll probably feel better than you have in years…
Your metabolism will get a powerful boost, and you may find it easier to lose weight than ever before…
Your mind will feel clear and bright, like you’ve swept out the cobwebs…
You may even see your skin and hair looking more youthful, and feel aches and pains melt away…
And you will be able to enjoy once again times of indulging with the delicious foods you love…
Because once you rid yourself of toxic index, your insulin production and insulin sensitivity will come back into balance – and the rest takes care of itself!
Let me explain how the plan works.
For every toxin we’re exposed to, there is almost always a corresponding detoxifier in nature.
For example, nearly all of us have some toxic heavy metals in our systems, like lead and cadmium. And heavy metal toxicity is a HUGE part of toxic index.
Luckily, a few treatments with a natural compound called (EDTA) has been proven to pull toxic heavy metals out of our bodies safely and naturally.
It’s a central part of Dr. Stengler’s Diabetes Detox, because it can take a huge slice out of your toxic index in a couple weeks time…
Yet it’s just PART of the whole detox…
And that’s what makes this plan so unique.
Using just a few inexpensive nutrients and detoxifying compounds, in the right doses and the correct order, you can ERASE the toxic index that keeps you diabetic.
You can find these nutrients at a health food store or online, and Dr. Stengler will guide you to his recommended sources. Each one is safe, natural, and 100% verified by Dr. Stengler himself…
And since the toxins that trigger diabetes cause a whole host of other problems… by the time you finish the Diabetes Detox, you may just feel like a brand new person…
Not only will your blood sugar and insulin levels stabilize – don’t be surprised if your energy levels soar, brain fog evaporates, and your skin seems more youthful…
Most importantly, though -- you’ll no longer be diabetic.
If you want, you can have your doctor check you out just to be sure!
My friend…
I can’t wait for the day your doctor declares you
officially diabetes free…
That’s the day you’ll join Dr. Stengler’s patients who’ve used his Detox secrets to erase their own diabetes.Folks like…
Kara Malloy from Columbus, Ohio, who was recently diagnosed with type II diabetes. She says,
just 2 weeks following Dr. Stengler’s program, I saw a 50 POINT DROP in
my glucose levels! I’m feeling more energy, too – I’m elated! Thank you
Dr. Stengler!”
And Belinda Radley from Austin, TX, who says…
following Dr. Stengler’s plan, my hemoglobin A1c, LDL cholesterol, and
total cholesterol are all back to normal! I’m off all prescriptions
except one, and I’ll be getting off that one soon. I’ve also lost about
20 pounds – and I feel 200% better, physically, mentally and
spiritually… Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
And Jeff Burdock from Sacramento, CA. He says…
“After I was diagnosed with type II diabetes, I was so relieved when Dr. Stengler said he could reverse it. And he did! Within a few days, my sugar levels started dropping – I eventually lost more than 90 pounds and my diabetes is completely gone!”
And so many more…How would you like to be next?
Because now, for the first time ever… Dr. Stengler has published his complete Diabetes Detox plan in a hard copy manual that YOU can use as your personal diabetes-reversing guidebook.
I can’t stress enough how easy this plan is to follow – just round up the necessary nutrients, take them on schedule, and in a few weeks you’ll finally feel like yourself again…
Your blood sugar stabilizes in the normal range, and diabetes is no longer part of your life!
Meanwhile, you’re eating the foods you love without counting every carb or calorie…
You’re feeling a fresh new stream of energy that powers you through your day…
Your friends and family are starting to notice a difference, asking what your secret is…
And you can tell them, 2 words: DIABETES DETOX!
But before you do, I want to show you what else you’ll get when you request your copy of Diabetes Detox.
See, while Dr. Stengler believes the Detox program is absolutely the best way to naturally reverse your diabetes, he has a few more “trade secrets” that can help you see results even faster.
So he’s included 3 bonus reports, FREE, when you request your copy in the next 12 minutes…
And honestly, each one is worth the price of admission on its own.
These are hard-won, battle-tested tricks to make sure you get the most out of the diabetes Detox, and that you’re diabetes free as soon as possible…
Bonus #1 is what Dr. Stengler calls…
The Secret Fiber: How to Eat delicious Carbs
WITHOUT the Consequences
Imagine a “magic” ingredient that you could add to any meal – without
changing the flavor – that would, as far as your blood sugar is
concerned -- cut the carbs in half.Impossible, right?
I would have thought so too, until I saw it with my own eyes…
And believe it or not, the ingredient is a little-known type of fiber.
Not the kind you get in a bottle of Metamucil, or a spoonful of flax seeds.
Don’t get me wrong -- that kind of fiber is great for digestion.
But there’s a completely different kind of fiber – found only in a few exotic foods, or in supplement form, that works in a completely different way.
It actually prevents the carbohydrates you eat from being absorbed in your digestive tract.
It’s an all-natural carb-blocker that really works – and yet almost no one knows about it!
Of course, it can’t block ALL the carbs you eat – but think what a difference it would make if you could cut your post-meal blood sugar spikes in half – just by adding this to carb-heavy snacks and meals!
In this bonus report, Dr. Stengler will reveal which foods are rich in this “other” fiber.
And even better, he shows you how to get it in supplement form – so you can enjoy even the most delicious sweets and carbs, without totally ruining your blood sugar…
And the Fiber Secret is even more powerful when you combine it with bonus #2:
Dr. Stengler’s Fat Burning Jumpstart: How to switch on
your body’s powerful fat-burning hormones!
Look, diabetes and extra weight go hand in hand.Which is why Dr. Stengler included this handy little guide to melting fat faster and easier…
He calls it a “non-diet” because it’s not about eliminating your favorite foods. Rather it’s a few simple tweaks to what and when you eat.
If you’re looking to lose fat – and especially if you have 10-20 pounds to lose – this will be a Godsend.
By following these simple recommendations, you’ll “switch on” a potent fat melting hormone practically without effort.
With this secret working for you, fat loss suddenly becomes MUCH easier…
Because the hormone in question is actually one of the most potent natural appetite suppressants ever discovered…
It simply destroys food cravings. According to Dr. Stengler, most people who use it automatically slash their calorie intake by more than half… And they report feeling energetic and happy as dozens of pounds disappear!
No hunger pangs at all!
Don’t worry, it’s safe and stimulant-free. Dr. Stengler never recommends anything he hasn’t personally verified for safety and effectiveness.
Bottom line: if you need to lose A LOT of weight, and you want to do it quickly without killing yourself, Fat Burning Jumpstart is exactly what you’ve been searching for.
And it’s yours FREE when you request your copy of the Diabetes Detox program!
And speaking of supplements, I’m sure you’ve noticed a lot of hype recently about supposed “miracle formulas” that reduce blood sugar.
And you know what?
Most of them are worthless.
Many use ingredients that haven’t been proven effective in human studies. And the ones that do use quality ingredients use such paltry amounts, they wouldn’t work even if you doubled or tripled the dosage!
Not to mention how horribly overpriced many of them are…
But Dr. Stengler is one of the few doctors today who formulates and tests supplements in his clinic.
And he knows firsthand, there are a handful of supplements worth their salt. And one or two that are INCREDIBLY powerful. Especially when used alongside the diabetes detox plan…
For example, one extract from a type of thorny Asian shrub has proven in human studies to lower blood sugar BETTER than the leading prescription drug, Metformin!
And it does it without the side effects, and without adding to your toxic index.
In bonus report #3…
Blood Sugar Supplements that Actually Work
Dr. Stengler reveals this, and a few other hand-picked supplements that can be powerful allies in your fight against diabetes.To be clear, you don’t NEED to take these supplements – the Detox program alone will have a massive impact.
But if you want results faster, here’s your ticket.
All 3 of these bonus reports are yours FREE right now, the minute you order your copy of the Diabetes Detox program.
Oh, and I almost forgot to mention: your satisfaction with this program is 100% guaranteed.
If you try the program and for some reason it doesn’t work the way you hoped, you can get every penny back with no questions asked. Your order will come with a link to a quick online refund request form – so you don’t even have to pick up the phone or email us.
Just fill out the form, and your refund is on the way.
I can’t imagine any reason you’d need to do that, but you always have the option. And there’s no time limit either, so you can try the program for as long as you want with no risk.
The fact is, a few weeks into the diabetes Detox, you’re going to be feeling so darn healthy and energetic, the small price you pay today will seem like pocket change.
Think of it this way…
Even if you went to the best doctors in the country, spending $1,000 or more out of pocket for each visit…
Even if you followed their recommendations and took the latest and greatest prescription drugs, some of which cost $200 dollars a month or more…
Even if you hired a nutritionist at $500 an hour to tell you exactly what to eat…
Even if you joined a gym for a hundred bucks a month, and started doing cardio for an hour every day…
Even if you did all of that…
You STILL wouldn’t be addressing ALL the underlying causes of diabetes. You’d still be stuck in the same old quagmire of drugs, side effects, energy crashes, blood sugar spikes and slumps…
Friend, there IS a better way…
And the best part is… It’s a tiny fraction of the cost!
See, the regular price for the Diabetes Detox manual – WITHOUT any of the fantastic bonus reports -- is $59.95.
But today, through this special online offer, you can get your copy of the manual – which contains the complete, step-by-step Diabetes Detox plan – for more than 50% OFF the original price! PLUS your 3 life-changing bonus reports, all FREE!
And with our 100% satisfaction guarantee, you don’t risk a penny to try the program today.
Simply click the button below to request your copy now.
Because the way I see it, you’re standing at a crossroads.
You can close this page, do nothing, and continue down the path you’re on. You can keep suffering with lifelong diabetic symptoms… spending hundreds on test strips and glucose meters… trying to track all your numbers… taking pills every day that only make your toxic index worse… all the while wondering if someday you’ll have to have a foot cut off…
Or… you can click the button below, and choose a better future.
You can get right to the root causes of diabetes… eliminate it with a safe, natural technique developed by one of America’s leading doctors… and enjoy the youthful energy and freedom that comes with it.
The choice is yours, but please understand…
We’re limiting today’s offer to 400 copies of the manual and bonuses.
Once that number is reached – which could happen any second – that’s it. Your chance to reverse diabetes naturally may be gone forever.
So please, don’t wait.
Remember, there’s NO TIME LIMIT on our money back guarantee. So you can try the program as long as you want without risking a penny.
So please, let us send your copy right away. Doesn’t it make sense to see and feel the results for yourself, and THEN decide if it’s worth the small price we’re charging today?
Click the button below to get started.
Wishing you & your family abundant optimal health & well-being
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy
Waiheke Island
New Zealand
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